President Obama and First Lady Michelle are pretty hip to Hollywood, but I guess they have to draw the line somewhere. In an interview with iVillage, Michelle Obama revealed that her husband does not approve of their daughters watching Keeping Up With The Kardashians. Yes, The Kardashians are banned in the White House.
Joe Biden probably gets really annoyed having to type in the parental control code every time he wants to watch E!
"Barack really thinks some of the Kardashians - when they watch that stuff - he doesn't like that as much," Obama revealed. "But I sort of feel like if we're talking about it, and I'm more concerned with how they take it in - what did you learn when you watched that? And if they're learning the right lessons, like, that was crazy, then I'm like, okay."
Well, then there’s no problem! Because there are plenty of important lessons to learn from this show! Don’t go swimming with $175,000 earrings…make sure you pick a good doctor when you’re getting a facelift…don’t burp in your fiancĂ©’s mouth…these are gold. They don’t teach this stuff in school, man.
Obama also revealed that Sasha and Malia are only allowed to watch television on the weekends. Hope they like Samantha Brown and infomercials for the Bacon Wave. What?! Exactly.
"They're terrific girls,” Michelle says of her daughters. “They're poised and they're kind and they're curious. And like any mother, I am just hoping that I don't mess them up.”
And in an effort to not “mess them up,” Obama has established one primary rule:
"The first thing is establishing rules among the staff that they're not little princesses. They have to make their beds, they have to clean up their rooms, they have to -- Sasha has started doing the laundry, Malia was supposed to be doing it but (Sasha) is really into laundry.”
The First Lady added that she misses being out of the spotlight. She was recently photographed shopping like an ordinary customer Target, something she really enjoyed. Probably because she nabbed some Missoni rain boots.
"The ability to walk out through a door and go for a walk on any given day. It's also being among people in a normal set of interactions. You forget how important that is just in establishing who you are in the world. So me being able to sneak out and do that - standing, ordering an ice cream cone and having the kid behind the counter ignore me just like he's ignoring everyone else he's serving - it's refreshing."
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