Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Arnold Schwarzenegger Lands a Movie Role

We all thought that the Arnold Schwarzenegger scandal would cost him his film career. Well, Hollywood apparently threw him a bone, because he’s still getting acting jobs.

Before the love-child drama, Arnold had committed to the starring role in the film, “The Last Stand,” and now the filmmakers still want him for the role so he’s re-committed to the film.

The role and Arnold’s current real life issues are pretty similar. A source from the film says, “it’s an old-fashioned Western specifically designed for a 63-year-old broken-down guy with a moral decision whether Arnold decides to stand up for his town.”

So far all his other projects got put on hold due to the scandal. Arnold was supposed to have a Marvel Comics superhero created based on his nickname of “The Governator.”

He also was in talks to do a film called “With Wings As Eagles” where he would play a Nazi soldier who helped rescue kids against orders. Naturally, those projects got delayed indefinitely.

With his private life drama, there will probably be a lot of media buzz for this film. Everyone deserves a second chance but not when you’ve already gotten several. A body builder turned Governor, it’s time for Arnold to retire already.

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